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Mission: We will inspire the community to be environmentally engaged by providing education, resources, green initiatives and beautification opportunities
The Governance and Nomination Committee is currently accepting applications for the 2019 Keep Hutto Beautiful Foundation Board of Directors. Please fill out an application to be considered. Please make sure to read the expectations below prior to completing an application.

As the governing body for the Keep Hutto Beautiful Foundation, the all-volunteer Board of Directors is responsible for providing oversight and strategic direction for KHB and its programs.
Estimated Time Commitment:
Regular Monthly Board Meetings 1-2 hrs
Committee/Special Projects Monthly or as needed
Special Events 2-3 per year
Annual Board Retreat January/February - 1/2 day
Responsibilities of Board Member:
Board Members will serve staggered three year terms
Prepare for and attend all monthly board meetings which are regularly scheduled.
Participates in occasional “special called” meetings, held as needed on a date convenient to the majority of the board.
Attends and participates in an annual half-day planning retreat each year to establish goals and objectives for the upcoming year.
Participates actively on a least one KHB committee, attending committee meetings and completing occasional work assignments.
Upholds the ethical, legal, and financial integrity of the organization.
Maintains an annual KHB membership.
Safeguards KHB by ensuring that programs hold true to the mission, vision, values and financial stability of the organization. This is accomplished by:
Building a working relationship with fellow board members
Serving as an advocate for KHB in the community
Assists with growing KHB’s resources through fundraising, relationship building and acknowledgement of supporters and volunteers.
2024 Board of Directors
Marjorie Blake, Chair
Operations Safety Specialist, Al Clawson Disposal, Inc.
Term: 2021-2023 (1st term)
Residence: Jarrell, TX
Charlene Martindale, Secretary
Web Content Creator, IBM
Term: 2023-2025 (2nd term)
Residence: Hutto, TX
Debbie Holland, Member
Office Manager, Hatah House
Term: 2023-2025 (3rd term)
Residence: Hutto, TX
Jim Morris, Member
Term: 2023-2025 (1st term)
Residence: Hutto, TX