Under the umbrella of the Keep Hutto Beautiful Foundation (a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit), Great Hutto Cleanup offers a free Junk Round Up for all citizens within the Hutto ISD boundary. Items accepted include electronics, metal, brush, furniture, tires, gardening tools, and general bulk trash.
Saturday, October 26th
Starts at 9am
Closes at 11am (MUST BE IN LINE BY 10:45AM)
Location: East Williamson County Higher Education Center 1600 Innovation Blvd. Hutto, TX
This Junk Round Up is free to all citizens within the Hutto ISD boundary. Please be prepared to show either
a drivers license or a current utility bill. No commercial disposal. Trailers only allowed with items
for one drop area.
Junk Round Up Partners This Year Include:
Al Clawson Disposal Inc.
Waste Management
Balcones Shred - Document Shredding
Goodwill Central Texas - Electronics Recycling
Habitat For Humanity - furniture and home furnishings donations
Keep Hutto Beautiful - used gardening tools

Accepted Items:
Cell Phones*
Computers (& monitors, keyboards & mice)*
Documents, Files, Paper
Electronics - general
Gardening Hand Tools - no gas or electric
Ink - computer
Lightbulbs - no florescent
Old Lumber
Plastic Bags
Small Appliances
Tires - no rims
Tree Trimmings
TVs (including tube TVs)
*Cell phones & computers will be wiped for security.
Unaccepted Items:
Antifreeze (cannot be mixed with anything else)
Batteries - All types including Car
Burn Barrels
Fluorescent Bulbs
Mercury Thermostats
Oil (cannot be mixed with anything else)
Paint - All types
Railroad Ties
Smoke Alarms
Telephone Poles
Tires with Rims

History of Hutto's Annual Trash Off
The Great Hutto Cleanup is part of the Don’t Mess With Texas Trash-Off and Great American Cleanup initiatives. The Don't Mess With Texas Trash-Off is part of the partnership between Keep Texas Beautiful and the Texas Department of Transportation. The Don't Mess With Texas Trash-Off serves as Texas’ signature event for the Great American Cleanup, the nation's largest community improvement program, held annually from March 1 through May 31. ​
The first official Don't Mess With Texas Trash Off was held in Hutto, Texas in 2006. The event was overseen by the City of Hutto Parks and Recreation Department.
Up through 2014, the Annual Trash Off and the Annual Junk Round Up were held as separate events -- both organized by the City of Hutto Parks and Recreation Department and the Keep Hutto Beautiful Commission.
Thanks to the Hutto Chamber of Commerce Leadership Hutto Class of 2014, the two annual events were combined into one day of cleanup and beautification. The event was known as Hutto's Big Event from 2015-2017.
Just as the Hutto Community is growing, this annual event has grown as well! The Keep Hutto Beautiful Foundation officially took over the organization and administration duties in July 2017. With more people moving to the area and more people volunteering each year, they and the Planning Committee felt a name change would help the people in Hutto understand what the annual trash off and junk round up is all about. The community became part of the process with a RENAME THE EVENT contest! 36 submissions later, the Planning Committee determined that the new name of the annual event would be GREAT HUTTO CLEANUP!